Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Burayu has Visitors!

    It is very exciting news to share with you that Burayu has visitors this week and next from some of you! Their first visitor is an adoptive family that has traveled to Ethiopia to meet their daughter.  They are going to visit the community of Burayu while they are near the capitol, explore the community, meet some of its leaders and even meet some of your sponsored kiddos.  It's moving to know that Burayu will get visitors from many of us even outside of the mission trips.  Ongoing visits helps the community to know that we truly do care for them, despite the ocean between us.
    Next week, Jeff Dood will be traveling to Burayu.  He is currently in Ethiopia putting his OB skills to task at Soddo Christian Hospital in the south.  Before flying home from the capital of Addis Ababa, he will spend some time in the "suburb" of Burayu.  Again, he will remind the people that they are important to us.  He will also be able to gather more information about the development and community for us that we can share with you.
   Stay tuned and check back for more updates from our Burayu visitors. Ethiopia loves visitors!